Tuesday, March 27, 2018

MIT 6.042 - Mathematics for Computer Science (Incomplete)

Back, oh, probably in September 2017 or so, a couple of MOOC buddies and I decided we wanted to tackle 6.042 together.  For my part, I felt that having a better understanding of the underlying principles of proofs would be a huge boon when tackling advanced CS courses that lean on them heavily.  Thinking back to 6.006 in particular, when going through CLRS (which is very proof heavy), I think I would have benefited from better fundamentals in this area.  So, as is my habit, I'm keeping a log of my experience here;  part notes, part stream of consciousness reflection.

We're mostly following the 2015 version of the course, however I really enjoy the 2010 lectures by Tom Leighton, so I'm double dipping a bit there.  The most natural way to divide up the coursework is by "week", corresponding to each of the 12 psets.  We decided on Overleaf for document creation and collaboration, as we agreed it would be best to suck it up and learn a bit of LaTeX if we wanted to get the full "genuine" experience with the pset "submissions".

Index for 2015 course: link
Discrete Math playlists that were helpful: