Saturday, April 23, 2016

Microsoft 70-486: Design and implement claims-based authentication across federated identity stores

Exam Objectives

Implement federated authentication by using Azure Access Control Service; create a custom security token by using Windows Identity Foundation; handle token formats (for example, oAuth, OpenID, Microsoft Account, Google, Twitter, and Facebook) for SAML and SWT tokens

Quick Overview of Training Materials

Exam Ref 70-486: Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications - Objective 5.3
MSDN - A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control (2e)
MSDN - Windows Identity Foundation
MSDN - How to Authenticate with Azure Active Directory Access Control
MSDN - ACS How To's
MSDN - WIF Code Sample Index
Google Identity Platform - OpenID Connect
Federate with Windows Live using OAuth and SAML
Facebook Developer Console
Google Developer Console
Using Windows Azure ACS in MVC 5 Application Using VS 2013
Write a custom security token and handler in WIF
PluralSight - Windows Azure Access Control Service (a bit dated, but not bad)
PluralSight - Claims-based Identity for Windows: The Big Picture (Paid)
PluralSight - Identity and Access Control in ASP.NET 4.5 (Paid)
PluralSight - Introduction to Identity and Access Control in .NET 4.5 (Paid)
Dominik Baier - Claims and Tokens become the standard Model (Video)

Consolidated Code Samples on GitHub

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Where to learn Ruby on Rails

For our developer book club, we chose "Engineering Software as a Service", and are working through the associated MOOC through EdX.  The book focuses on using Agile and TDD to build apps using Ruby on Rails.  Because I'm the book clubs facilitator, I thought it would be a good idea if I knew what the hell I was doing when we met every week, so I set out to learn Ruby and Rails.  These are some of the resources I found and my thoughts on them...