Recently finished up all the lectures for the Berkeley Webcast of CS 169 - Software Engineering. This course focuses on building Software as a Service (SaaS) applications in Ruby on Rails. Although I don't anticipate the need to know a lot of RoR for work, the concepts discussed in the course were extremely valuable and I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to learn about professional software development. Some key topics of interest:
- Agile project development
- Testing and refactoring
- Design patterns
- CI and deployment
These are my notes on the lectures, which are really more like a detailed table of contents so that I could easily reference the lectures if I wanted to revisit a topic. I figure the course website has all the slides and reference to the book, so recreating that content seemed a bit silly...
Youtube playlist: [Edit: Berkeley pulled theirs, so this is my mirror]
EdX site for course (you'll have to create a login if you don't have one):
There is also a book to accompany the class, which I'm still waiting to come (work bought it for me, woot!). On Amazon: Engineering Software as a Service: An Agile Approach Using Cloud Computing
What is missing from dev’s skills:
- Legacy code
- Working with non-technical customers
- Testing
Advantage of service oriented architecture.
Lecture 2 talks about Agile and Scrum.
Mentions that Scrum master and Product Owner should be team members and roles should be rotated.
SMART user stories:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Timeboxed
LoFI UI Sketches, advantages over pretty wireframes
- Less intimidating to non-technical customers
- Customers more likely to suggest change
- Customers more likely to focus on interaction
Code smells, acronym SOFA, tool is reek:
- Is it Short
- Does it do One thing
- Does it have Few arguments
- Is it a consistent level of Abstraction
ABC complexity, tool flog:
- count Assignments, Branches, Conditions
- Score = Square root (A2 + B2 + C2 )
- NIST: < 20/method
Active Record - ORM for Rails
- subclass from ActiveRecord::Base
- CRUD operations
- Convention over configuration
- Objects in memory, must call save to persist to DB
Debugging is a fact of life RASP
- Read the error message
- Ask a colleague an informed question
- Search using StackOverflow, search engine, etc.
- Post on StackOverflow, forums, etc.
- Avoid fat controllers. Functionality should be in model
- Avoid fat views… functionality should be in model
2/12/2015 Lecture
- validation and filters in Ruby
- Relation to aspect oriented programming
- The idea is to put the logic for crosscutting concerns in one place
- Associations (relationships between objects)
- belongs to, has many, :through
2/17/2015 Lecture
- Cucumber and Capybara
- User Story, Feature, Scenario, and Step definitions
- Given, When, Then, And, and But
- Live coding demo of Cuke step defs
2/19/2015 Lecture
- Guest speakers
- Testing is hugely valuable
2/24/2015 Lecture
- RSpec - Unit testing framework similar to JUnit
- Unit tests should be FIRST
- Fast
- Independent - should be able to run any subset, any order
- Repeatable
- Self-checking
- Timely - tests should be written in close temporal proximity to code (ideally, before code i.e. TDD)
- Unit test - models (RSpec)
- Functional tests - Controllers (Rspec)
- Integration tests - Views (Cucumber)
- .should_receive(a).with(b) creates a mock object (spy)
- Joel Spolsky guest speaker
2/26/2015 Lecture
- Mocks and stubs
- assigns(), response()
- Kyle says something clever at 33:00 but I can’t hear…
- Same material covered in Lecture 10 of Fall 2013
- look out for mock trainwrecks
3/3/2015 Lecture
- Code review and Design review
- How to run an effective meeting
- Start and Stop on time
- Agenda created in advance; no agenda, no meeting
- Minutes recorded
- One speaker at a time
- Send material in advance
- Action items as end of meeting, assign tasks
- Set date and time of next meeting.
- Start next meeting by reviewing minutes and action items
- Git - branch per feature
- Debugging -
- Report
- Reproduce
- Regression Test
- Repair
- Release the fix
3/5/2015 Lecture
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
- Legacy code and refactoring
- Establishing ground truth about what works today
- black box, integration level tests
- characterization tests
- Method level refactoring
- Fixing the Zune bricking bug
- Refactoring fallacies and pitfalls
- Power Cucumber (Capybara)
- tabular data
- has_css and has_xpath
- passing state between steps in a scenarios
- timecop (redefining
- Patterns, Antipatterns, SOLID
- Separate the things that change from the things that stay the same
- Architectural Patterns: MVC; Pipe and Filter (compiler, Unix pipeline); Event-based (interactive game); Layering (SaaS technology stack)
- GoF Patterns: structural, creational, behavioral
- Antipattern:
- code that should follow a pattern and doesn’t
- accumulated technical debt
- Symptoms:
- Viscosity: easier to hack than do right
- Immobility (can’t DRY out functionality)
- Needless repetition
- Needless complexity from generality (YAGNI)
- Discuss SOLID and Patterns...
- Strategy and Template pattern for OCP
- “Prefer composition over inheritance”
- Decorator Pattern
- Liskov - Square/Rect problem
- Demeter Principle
- only talk to your friends, not strangers
- Can call methods on:
- yourself
- your own instance methods, but not their results
- symptom: inappropriate intimacy… a.b.c.d == x
- mock trainwreck in testing
- replace method with delegation
- Visitor and Observer patterns
- Dependency Injection (Inversion)
- Adapter and Facade patterns
- Null objects
- Proxy pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Plan and Document perspective on Design Patterns
- Fun stuff
- Github DDOS attack
- 10 Women who changed CS
- Favorite April Fools tech hack
- Armando’s thoughts on node.js
- Heilmeier questions:
- Problem you are tackling
- current state of the art
- If you succeed, who will care
- what have you already accomplished
- what does “success” look like
- APIs and Single Page Applications
- API-ify the Hangperson game
- React frontend js framework
- Code fixup clinic
- Common problems:
- Long controller methods
- Passing data between Ruby and JS
- Don’t use javascript_tag - not cachable
- Do use data-xxx attributes or content_tag
- Metaprogramming to DRY stuff out
- Not using temp variables
- Code clinic part 2
- Deployment
- Discussion of PaaS
- Discussion of response time in web applications
- Scalability - more users doesn’t increase cost per user
- Feature flags and upgrades
- Monitoring
- In development (Profiling)
- Internal and external monitoring
- use of cucumber and new relic to test performance
- stress/load testing
- Caching
- Queries and Indices
- table scans are bad… indices can make lookup almost O(1)
- indices can make updates more expensive
- use index on FK, columns in where, columns on which you sort
- Security
- Fallacies, Pitfalls, and concluding remarks
- Don’t optimize prematurely or without measurement
- Database is hard to scale; use caching and optimize queries
- All sites are targets, scrub user input, make backups
- Poster previews (class projects)
- Retrospective
Thanx for the notes, Berkeley has taken lectures private. You can take full course free
I managed to mirror the lectures before they got pulled offline, just hadn't gotten around to updating the link...